Eichelberger Farms is a strong believer in supporting our local community. We donate pork patties to our local school to be sold at the concession stands, as well as providing sausage to several local fire departments for their annual pancake meals. We also provide financial support to the fire departments, the Mt. Pleasant Festival of Lights, Relay for Life, the Southeast Iowa Showdown, Merchant Movies in Washington, Warrior Trap Team, Waco Cheerleaders, Waco Volleyball Club, Wayland Economic Development, the Washington YMCA, and local community events such as Brighton Whoopie Days, Crawfordsville Fun Days, and the Lake Darling Saddle Club’s Jackpot Show. We also support the county fairs by participating in the auctions at the end of the fair.

When Waco had their Plus-1 Days on Fridays, we conducted a class about pork production for several interested students. We also provide a yearly scholarship for a graduating Waco student who is going to further their education in the field of agriculture.